Chris Ledoux Said it best "What Cha Gunna Do With A Cowboy?"
So you think you wanna marry a cowboy??
I had big city dreams growing up until I was about 22. I was going to move to California, live on the beach, and marry a surfer "dude".
I write this blog post at the age 28 (ekkk) sitting on the floor of our farmhouse, with my muddy cowdog laying next to me.
Life didn't go as planned, and I'm okay with that.
I lived in town my whole life, I have never lived more than 5 min from a grocery store, or shopping. I grew up I guess i'll just be blunt "prissy". I had bleached blonde hair, always ready, needed any and everything in my life. Don't tell my older brothers but I will admit I was spoiled. I always wanted a paint horse, but never had the lifestyle to get one. Getting near horse poop NEVER!
So lets talk about marrying this cowboy.
First of all he's gunna call you darlin' and make your heart flutter. He's gunna tip that ole cowboy hat at ya and know he's won ya over. He's gunna dance your boots off and spin ya all over the floor, but that's not all being married to a cowboy is about.
In 2015 we bought a 100 year old farmhouse with 6 acres and renovated it.In July 2016 we moved in. So let the adventures of marrying a cowboy, & moving from city to country begin.
A couple things I've learned from being married to a down hearted cowboy.
1. You depend on them, they depend on you- so its negative 19 degrees outside, put your long johns on -- animals need fed -- come rain or shine.
2. No fence is animal proof, there will be mornings when you walk out and you'll see 3 horses rumps drinking out of your childs swimming pool (in their defense it was a horse watering tank)
3. They don't let you off the hook, I remember the first day Cam went to build fence I sat all cute on his flatbed thinking I was there for company -- well was I wrong- he handed me a shovel and said start digging darlin'.
4. You can take the cowdog out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the cowdog--We have a cute little chubby mini aussie that we loved soooo much named Fancy. She loves starbucks, and staring at cows she should be chasing. We always told Fancy she was a broke cowdog, cause she never chased cows, she stares at them. Welp she proved us wrong I get home to a cow & calf out me not knowing what to do, my dad holding a rope(not knowing what he was going to do) -- & all the sudden after 2 years of thinking she was a "broke" cowdog Fancy did some magical cowdogs moves and got them back in there pin.
5. Clipping chicken wings isn't a blood bath -- one fine Sunday evening Cam said "Can you please come help me?" after asking me for days to help clip our chickens wings me dreading it -- I tell Jett to stay in the house cause It will scare him and be bloody. -- When I get in the chicken coop Cam holds the chicken up side down & clips their feathers yes their damn feathers!! not the wings they still had wings!!
6. When they say "All American Cowboy" they mean it, I have never felt more american pride then at a rodeo, the pride is like the 4th of July at EVERY rodeo, they run down deep to their roots, it is one of the best things to be a part of.
The adventure of transitioning from city to country are far from over.. if you are ready for a good laugh and to start from chapter one.. go on over to the website and join our mailing list tribe.
Disclaimer: I act like a lady and may sometimes cuss like a sailor, life happens and so do spelling errors. I wasn't a English major, errors may happen. I am always all over the place, along with my stories enjoy them and the craziness as they are told.